As popularized in 1998 feature film, The Big Lebowski.
This one's the latest I've ever posted one of these but I'm still awake after a night of deadlines... as far as I'm concerned that makes right now still yesterday. I'll be back tomorrow (which is also today) with an earlier sketch post.
And as an added bonus, to commemorate 50 days of 1 a day sketches, here's a bunch of others from my, "need to be colored and mailed" pile. Some of these have already been sent out, some are parts of larger orders that I'm still coloring.
Thanks for sticking around for these first 50 days! I'll be back tomorrow with day 51.
If you're reading this you're probably a sketch patron of mine who's yet to receive their art. You are probably also angry.
This is my best attempt to get back on track with these sketches. I've got a lot of work on my plate but that's no excuse to keep you people in the dark so here's where the cards are. If I can't at least do one a day then I probably shouldn't be an artist-- this job doesn't seem to stop.
I got in over my head to pay the rent and now I'm digging out. Please accept this (and your sketch cards eventually) as my sincere apology. And thanks again for helping out in the first place.