Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 236- Mongul & Kyle Rayner

UPDATE! Color.

Spent yesterday in a Turkey fog so here's 2 for today. They're works in progress (I'll update the post when the color's finished.)

This is a big one that you'll see more of throughout the week.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 233- Lady Shiva

From Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter.

Day 230- Fauno

From the great, Pan's Labyrinth.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 221- Satan

The second in the "Action deities" series.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 216- Husk & Jesus Christ

The request was actually for, "Jesus (in an action shot)" so... There you go.

Day 214- Jubilee & Synch

Hey Y'all,

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus last week. My schedule's usually pretty busy but last week it went supernova with A few freelance projects and preparing for/setting up at Long Beach Comic-Con (btw, thanks if you came out and said hi. There'll be a full LBCC update at the main site as soon as shit slows down here.)

Anyway, to make up for my absence last week, we're doing 2 a day all week long this week to make up for lost time.

Thanks for hanging in there.